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课程类别: 硬件/软件开发
授课机构: 交大慧谷
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学    费: 价格电询
课程人气: 已有15人浏览
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  >>> ISA Servre 2004开班介绍
课程周期: 3天 培训费用: 3000 元
使用教材: 慧谷学院特色互动教材、讲义 教材费用: 不含教材费和考试费
学员收益: MCSE安全方向国际认证证书
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  >>>  ISA Servre 2004详细介绍


课程全名:Implementing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 #2824

Days:Three days

Course Outline:

Module 1: Overview of Microsoft ISA Server 2004

· Introducing ISA Server 2004

Module 2: Installing and Maintaining ISA Server 2004

· Installing ISA Server 2004
· Choosing ISA Server Clients
· Installing and Configuring Firewall Clients
· Advanced Firewall Client Configuration
· Securing ISA Server 2004
· Maintaining ISA Server 2004
· Lab A: Installing and Maintaining ISA Server 2004
· Performing an Unattended Installation of ISA Server 2004
· Migrating an ISA Server Configuration
· Securing ISA Server 2004

Module 3: Enabling Access to Internet Resources

· ISA Server 2004 as a Proxy Server
· Configuring Multi-Networking on ISA Server
· Configuring Access Rule Elements
· Configuring Access Rules for Internet Access
· Lab A: Enabling Access to Internet Resources
· Configuring ISA Server Access Rule Elements
· Configuring ISA Server Access Rules
· Testing ISA Server Access Rules

Module 4: Configuring ISA Server 2004 as a Firewall

· Using ISA Server as a Firewall
· Examining Perimeter Networks and Templates
· Configuring System Policies
· Configuring Intrusion Detection and IP Preferences
· Lab A: Configuring ISA Server as a Firewall
· Restoring Firewall Access Rules
· Modifying the ISA Server System Policy
· Testing the Policy Modifications

 Module 5: Configuring Access to Internal Resources

· Introduction to Publishing
· Configuring Web Publishing
· Configuring Secure Web Publishing
· Configuring Server Publishing
· Configuring ISA Server Authentication
· Lab A: Configuring Access to Internal Resources
· Configuring ISA Server Authentication and Secure Publishing
· Testing the ISA Server Configuration

Module 6: Integrating ISA Server 2004 and Microsoft Exchange Server

· Issues in E-Mail Security
· Configuring ISA Server to Secure SMTP Traffic
· Configuring ISA Server to Secure Web Client Connections
· Configuring ISA Server to Secure Client Connections
· Lab A: Integrating ISA Server 2004 and Microsoft Exchange Server
· Enabling RPC over HTTP Client Connections
· Configuring a Forms-Based Authentication for Microsoft Outlook Web Access

Module 7: Advanced Application and Web Filtering

· Advanced Application and Web Filtering Overview
· Configuring HTTP Web Filters
· Configuring Additional Application and Web Filters
· Lab A: Advanced Application and Web Filtering
· Identifying an Application Method and Signature
· Modifying the HTTP Web Filter

Module 8: Configuring Virtual Private Network Access for Remote Clients and Networks

· Virtual Private Networking Overview
· Configuring Virtual Private Networking for Remote Clients
· Configuring Virtual Private Networking for Remote Sites
· Configuring VPN Quarantine Control Using ISA Server 2004

Module 9: Implementing Caching to Improve Browsing Performance

· Caching Overview
· Configuring General Cache Properties
· Configuring Cache Rules
· Configuring Content Download Jobs
· Lab A: Configuring Caching on ISA Server 2004
· Testing and Monitoring ISA Server Caching

Module 10: Monitoring ISA Server 2004

· Monitoring Overview
· Configuring Alerts
· Configuring Session Monitoring
· Configuring Logging
· Configuring Reports
· Monitoring Connectivity
· Monitoring Services and Performance
· Lab A: Configuring Caching on ISA Server 2004
· Exercise 1: Testing the Alerts Feature
· Exercise 2: Testing the Reporting Feature
· Exercise 3: Testing the Connectivity Monitoring Feature

Module 11: Implementing ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition

· Overview of ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition
· Planning an ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition Deployment
· Implementing ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition

Module 12: Implementing ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition: Back-to-Back Firewall Scenario

· Implementing a Back-to-Back Firewall Scenario
· Lab A: Implementing the Back-to-Back Firewall Scenario
· Exercise 1: Enabling Network Load Balancing for the Main\Front-End Array
· Exercise 2: Configuring the Front-End Array Server
· Exercise 3: Configuring Firewall Rules for Resource Access

Module 13: Implementing ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition: Site-to-Site VPN Scenario

· Implementing the Site-to-Site VPN Scenario
· Lab A: Implementing ISA Server Enterprise Edition
· Exercise 1: Enabling NLB and CARP for the Main/Front-End Array
· Exercise 2: Configuring the Main-Office Array for a Site-to-Site VPN
· Exercise 3: Deploying ISA Server Services in a Remote Site
· Exercise 4: Configure the Remote Site for a Site-to-Site VPN

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