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您所在的位置:上海前程网 -> 计算机 -> IT认证 -> Oracle认证 -> ORACLE 10G+11G PL/SQL开发技巧培训

课程类别: Oracle认证
授课机构: 上海交大慧谷it培训中心
课    时:
学    费: 价格电询
上课地点: 交大慧谷上海市徐汇区乐山路33号
课程人气: 已有42人浏览
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循环开班 循环开班 白班 价格电询 价格电询
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一、 培训介绍

1、30学时/培训费7500元 培训版本 10g/11g
2、 附送 培训教材,培训光盘

二、 课程简介

Introduction to PL/SQL
• What is PL/SQL
• PL/SQL Environment
• Benefits of PL/SQL
• Overview of the Types of PL/SQL blocks
• Create and Execute a Simple Anonymous Block
• Generate Output from a PL/SQL Block
• iSQL*Plus as PL/SQL Programming Environment

Declaring PL/SQL Identifiers
• Identify the Different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram
• Use the Declarative Section to Define Identifiers
• List the Uses for Variables
• Store Data in Variables
• Declare PL/SQL Variables

Writing Executable Statements
• Describe Basic Block Syntax Guidelines
• Use Literals in PL/SQL
• Customize Identifier Assignments with SQL Functions
• Use Nested Blocks as Statements
• Reference an Identifier Value in a Nested Block
• Qualify an Identifier with a Label
• Use Operators in PL/SQL
• Use Proper PL/SQL Block Syntax and Guidelines

Interacting with the Oracle Server
• Identify the SQL Statements You Can Use in PL/SQL
• Include SELECT Statements in PL/SQL
• Retrieve Data in PL/SQL with the SELECT Statement
• Avoid Errors by Using Naming Conventions When Using Retrieval and DML Statements
• Manipulate Data in the Server Using PL/SQL
• The SQL Cursor concept
• Use SQL Cursor Attributes to Obtain Feedback on DML
• Save and Discard Transactions

Writing Control Structures
• Control PL/SQL Flow of Execution
• Conditional processing Using IF Statements
• Conditional Processing CASE Statements
• Handle Nulls to Avoid Common Mistakes
• Build Boolean Conditions with Logical Operators
• Use Iterative Control with Looping Statements

Working with Composite Data Types
• Learn the Composite Data Types of PL/SQL Records and Tables
• Use PL/SQL Records to Hold Multiple Values of Different Types
• Inserting and Updating with PL/SQL Records
• Use INDEX BY Tables to Hold Multiple Values of the Same Data Type

Using Explicit Cursors
• Cursor FOR Loops Using Sub-queries
• Increase the Flexibility of Cursors By Using Parameters
• Use the FOR UPDATE Clause to Lock Rows
• Use the WHERE CURRENT Clause to Reference the Current Row
• Use Explicit Cursors to Process Rows
• Explicit Cursor Attributes
• Cursors and Records

Handling Exceptions
• Handling Exceptions with PL/SQL
• Predefined Exceptions
• Trapping Non-predefined Oracle Server Errors
• Functions that Return Information on Encountered Exceptions
• Trapping User-Defined Exceptions
• Propagate Exceptions
• Use The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR Procedure To Report Errors To Applications

Creating Stored Procedures
• Describe the block structure for PL/SQL stored procedures
• Invoke a stored procedure/function from different tools
• Call a stored procedure with host variables from iSQL*Plus, Forms, Java, C, etc
• Invoke a stored procedure from an anonymous block or another stored procedure
• Identify the development steps for creating a stored procedure
• Use the SHOW ERRORS command
• View source code in the USER_SOURCE dictionary view

Creating Stored Functions
• Describe stored functions
• Identify the steps to create a stored function
• Execute a stored function
• Identify the advantages of using stored functions in SQL statements
• Identify the restrictions of calling functions from SQL statements
• Remove a function

Creating Packages
• List the advantages of packages
• Describe packages
• Show the components of a package Diagram the visibility of constructs within a package
• Develop a package
• Create the package specification
• Declare public constructs
• Create the package body

Using More Package Concepts
• List the benefits of overloading
• Show overloading example
• Use forward declarations in packages
• Create a one-time only procedure (package code initialization)
• List the restrictions on package functions used in SQL
• Encapsulate code in a package demonstration
• Invoke a user-defined package function from a SQL statement
• Utilize the persistent state of package variables

Utilizing Oracle Supplied Packages in Application Development
• List the various uses for the Oracle supplied packages
• Reuse pre-packaged code to complete various tasks from developer to DBA purposes
• Use the DESCRIBE command to view the package specifications and overloading
• Explain how DBMS_OUTPUT works (in conjunction with SET SERVEROUPUT ON)
• Interact with operating system files with UTL_MAIL
• Describe file processing with UTL_FILE
• Review UTL_FILE routines and exceptions
• Use UTL_FILE to generate a report to a file

Dynamic SQL and Metadata
• Describe using native dynamic SQL
• List the execution flow of SQL
• Show the syntax for the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement for native dynamic SQL
• Create a procedure to generate native dynamic SQL using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to delete rows from a table
• Describe the DBMS_SQL package
• Provide an example of DBMS_SQL
• List the advantages of using Native Dynamic SQL Over the DBMS_SQL package

Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code
• Standardize constants with a constant package
• Standardize exceptions with an exception handling package
• Introduce local sub-programs
• Use local sub-programs
• Track run time errors with an exception package
• Describe the NOCOPY compiler hint
• Use the NOCOPY compiler hint
• Explain the effects of NOCOPY

Managing Dependencies
• Define dependent and referenced objects
• Diagram dependencies with code, views, procedures, and tables
• Manage local dependencies between a procedure, view, and a table
• Analyze a scenario of local dependencies
• Display direct dependencies using the USER_DEPENDENCIES view
• Run the UTL_DTREE.SQL script to create objects that enable you to view direct and indirect dependencies
• Predict the effects of changes on dependent objects

Manipulating Large Objects
• Describe a LOB object
• Diagram the anatomy of a LOB
• Manage and list the features on internal LOBs
• Describe, manage, and secure BFILEs
• Create and use the DIRECTORY object to access and use BFILEs
• Prepare BFILEs for usage
• Use the BFILENAME function to load BFILEs
• Describe the DBMS_LOB package

Creating Triggers
• Describe the different types of triggers and how they execute
• List the benefits and guidelines of using database triggers
• Show how triggers are executed with a basic database trigger example
• Show syntax and create DML triggers, and list the DML trigger components
• Explain the firing sequence of triggers
• Create a DML statement and row level triggers
• Use the OLD and NEW qualifiers to reference column values
• Use conditional predicates with triggers

Applications for Triggers
• Create triggers for DDL events of CREATE, ALTER, and DROP
• Create triggers for system events of SERVERERROR, STARTUP, SHUTDOWN, LOGON and LOGOFF
• Define a mutating table
• Describe business application scenarios for implementing with triggers
• Describe the privileges required to manage triggers

Understanding and Influencing the PL/SQL Compiler
• List the features of native compilation
• Describe the features of the PL/SQL compiler in Oracle Database 10g
• Identify the 3 parameters used to influence compilation (PLSQL_CODE_TYPE, PLSQL_DEBUG, PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL)
• Show how to set the parameters
• Describe the dictionary view used to see how code is compiled (USER_PLSQL_OBJECTS)
• Change the parameter settings, recompile code, and view the results
• Describe the compiler warning infrastructure in Oracle Database 10g

List the steps used in setting compiler warning levels




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