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您所在的位置:上海前程网 -> 计算机 -> IT认证 -> Oracle认证 -> ORACLE10G PL/SQL高级开发培训班

课程类别: Oracle认证
授课机构: 上海交大慧谷it培训中心
课    时:
学    费: 价格电询
上课地点: 交大慧谷上海市徐汇区乐山路33号
课程人气: 已有19人浏览
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循环开班 循环开班 白班 价格电询 价格电询
  • 暂无相关热门网络课程

一、 培训介绍

2、 培训版本 10g/11g
3、 附送 培训教材,培训光盘

二、 课程简介

• Course objectives
• The Oracle complete solution
• Course agenda
• Tables and data used for this course

PL/SQL Programming Concepts Review
• Identify PL/SQL block structure
• Create procedures
• Create functions
• Create packages
• Use cursors
• Handle exceptions
• Understand dependencies
• Identify the Oracle supplied packages

Design Considerations
• List the different guidelines for cursor design
• Describe cursor variables
• Pass cursor variables as program parameters
• Compare cursor variables to static cursors
• Describe the predefined data types
• Create subtypes based on existing types for an application

• Describe and use nested tables
• Describe and use varrays
• Describe and use associative arrays
• Describe and use string indexed collections
• Describe and use nested collections
• Write PL/SQL programs that use collections
• Describe the common collection exceptions and how to code for them
• Compare associative arrays to collections

Advanced Interface Methods
• Execute external C routines from PL/SQL
• Understand the benefits of external routines
• Publish the external C routine in the PL/SQL code
• Execute a PL/SQL routine that calls the external C routine
• Execute Java routines from PL/SQL
• Publish the Java class method by creating the PL/SQL subprogram unit specification that references the Java class method
• Execute the PL/SQL subprogram that invokes the Java class method

PL/SQL Server Pages
• Define embedding PL/SQL code in Web pages (PL/SQL Server Pages)
• Describe the format of a PL/SQL Server Page
• Write the code and content for the PL/SQL Server Page
• Load the PL/SQL Server Page into the database as a stored procedure
• Run a PL/SQL Server Page via a URL
• Debug PL/SQL Server Page problems

Fine Grained Access Control
• Understand how fine-grained access control works overall
• Describe the features of fine-grained access control
• Describe an application context
• Set up a logon trigger
• View the results
• Query the dictionary views holding information on fine-grained access

Performance and Tuning
• Tune PL/SQL code
• Write smaller executable sections of code
• Compare SQL to PL/SQL on performance
• Understand how bulk binds can improve performance
• Handle exceptions with the FORALL syntax
• Identify data type and constraint issues
• Recognize network issues

Analyzing PL/SQL Code
• Use the supplied packages and dictionary views to find coding information
• dbms_describe supplied package
• Use supplied packages to find error information
• Trace PL/SQL programs using the dbms_trace supplied packageq
• Read and interpret the trace information
• Profile PL/SQL programs using the dbms_profiler supplied package
• Read and interpret the profiler information




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