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课程类别: 物流师
授课机构: 上海物流师培训学校
课    时:
学    费: 价格电询
上课地点: 上海
课程人气: 已有8人浏览
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EJLog – ELA物流专业资格认证:运营经理
European Junior Logistician on the Supervisory/Operational Level
ESLog – ELA物流专业资格认证:高级经理
European Senior Logistician on the Senior Management Level
EMLog – ELA物流专业资格认证:战略专家
European Master Logistician on the Strategic Management Level










Managers or consultants planning, coordinating and controlling differ¬ent parts of the logistics network

Graduate entrance to the profession who are on the fast track to senior man¬agement


Involves specialist skills and knowledge in a broad range of work activities, usually performed in a wide variety of tasks, mainly complex and non-routine.
Has a substantial degree of personal autonomy and responsibility. Usually is responsible for the work of others.


The candidate must understand logistics strategies and processes, the interrela¬tionships between and within logistics networks
have special skills and knowl¬edge in management of proc¬esses and projects

to be able to define and opti¬mise the logistics processes within his/her area of respon¬sibility.

ELA 高级经理物流能力标准
ESLog Senior Level Standard of Competence

The Senior Level comprises of three compulsory modules plus a further three functional modules selected from a suite of five.


The “Basic Supply Chain Concepts” module applies at all levels and needs to be assessed only once.

     Explain the scope and role of component activities within the supply chain
     Map a supply chain identifying component activities
     Identify the source and characteristics of supply and demand
• 解释如何依靠供应链占据竞争优势
     Explain how supply chain contributes to competitive advantage
     Identify how the supply chain activity contributes to sustainability
     Determine the financial impact of supply chain activity
•解释MTS(存货制造), ATO(订单装配), MTO(订单制造)和ETO(订单设计)这四种制造方式是如何运作的
     Explain how MTS, ATO, MTO and ETO configurations work
Determine the lead times within a supply chain
• 识别实际存在的需求扩大和其导致的影响
Identify the existence of demand amplification and its impact
• 估定阻碍供应链流程运作的障碍物
Assess the barriers that hinder supply chain flows
• 识别补给和需求的变化是如何给成本及服务带来影响
Identify how changes in supply and demand impact cost to serve
• 识别使供应链活动之间相互协调的机会
Identify opportunities for trade-offs between supply chain activities
Identify the key roles for information and IT within the supply chain


• 组织职员的招募和挑选
    Organise the recruitment and selection of staff
• 创造、维护并提高有效的工作关系
    Create, maintain and enhance effective working relationships
• 计划,组织, 指示并且控制其它人工作
    Plan, organise, direct and control the work of others
• 以有效的方式沟通
    Communicate in an effective manner
• 识别,计划,实现并且处理变化
     Identify, plan, implement and manage change
     Prepare a business plan
    Interpret business financial statements
     Contribute to a budget and monitor costs against an operating plan
    Set up and interpret performance indicators to assess business performance
• 设计适当的组织控制结构
     Design an appropriate organisational control structure
     Identify how different supply chain activities impact on each other
• 识别使不同功能的部门在一起工作的机会
     Identify opportunities for functions to work differently together
• 管理控制健康安全的工作环境
     Manage the health and safety of the work environment
• 遵从有关的立法和规则
     Comply with relevant legislation and regulations
•应用管理工具,方法和技术 , 例如统计学,程序管理,建模和定量的方法
   Apply management tools, methods and techniques such as statistics, process management, modeling and quantitative methods
     Develop teams and individuals
• 管理设计方案
     Manage projects
• 发展并且贯彻执行计划方案来管理知识
     Develop and implement plans to manage knowledge


• 分析在整个网络中库存定位
     Analyse inventory positioning within a network
     Analyse the performance and quality requirement for inventory
• 分析商业对库存的要求
     Analyse the business requirement for inventory
• 评估环境因素对仓库管理操作的影响
     Evaluate the impact of environmental factors on inventory activity
• 根据环境因素制定所对应的行动计划
     Formulate action plans to respond to environmental factors
• 稽查生产的非生产的库存级别
     Audit productive and non-productive inventory levels
• 挑选并且贯彻执行预测系统
      Select and implement forecasting systems
• 管理与新产品相关联的库存需求
      Manage the inventory requirements associated with new products
• 管理与推销活动相关联的库存需求
      Manage the inventory requirements associated with promotional activity
• 挑选并执行库存管理系统
      Select and implement inventory management systems
• 经由一个供应链网络管理库存
      Manage inventory through a supply chain network
      Prepare resource plans for inventory including financing options
     Identify trade-off opportunities with other supply chain activities
• 发展用来评估成本和额外价值的库存计划和建议
      Develop inventory plans and proposals evaluating costs and added value
• 对为反向物流管理计划和程序的发展做出贡献
      Develop plans and procedures for reverse logistics
• 管理库存操作并遵从立法的和社会的职责
      Manage the inventory operations to comply with legislative and social responsibilities
• 挑选,贯彻执行并维持IT来支援仓库的活动
      Select, implement and sustain IT support for inventory activity
• 建立,维持并且改良库存执行管理系统
      Establish, maintain and improve inventory performance management system
• 发展库存步骤和程序
      Develop inventory processes and procedures
• 识别并且选取库存管理服务供给者
      Identify and select inventory service providers


Identify sources of waste within production and plans to eliminate it
• 分析生产计划的质量与绩效要求
      Analyse the performance and quality requirement for production planning
• 为生产计划分析商业需求
      Analyse the business requirement for production planning
• 评估环境因素对生产活动的影响
     Evaluate the impact of environmental factors on production activity
• 根据环境因素制定所对应的行动计划
     Formulate action plans to respond to environmental factors
• 建立生产计划结构
     Set up a production planning framework
• 创造并且控制一个需求计划系统
     Create and manage a demand planning system
• 对销售和操作计划过程有贡献
     Contribute to the sales and operations planning process
• 生产能力需求计划
     Produce capacity requirement plans
    Prepare resource plans for production including financing options
    Identify trade-off opportunities with other supply chain activities
• 发展用来评估成本和额外价值的生产计划和建议
     Develop production plans and proposals evaluating costs and added value
• 对为反向物流管理计划和程序的发展做出贡献
     Develop plans and procedures for reverse logistics
• 管理生产操作并遵从立法的和社会的职责
     Manage the production operations to comply with legislative and social responsibilities
• 挑选,贯彻执行并维持IT来支援生产计划的活动
     Select, implement and sustain IT support for production planning activity
• 建立,维持并且改良生产计划执行管理系统
     Establish, maintain and improve production planning performance management system
• 发展生产计划步骤和程序
     Develop production planning processes and procedures
• 识别并且选取生产计划服务的供给者
     Identify and select production planning service providers


• 分析采购的质量与绩效要求
     Analyse the performance and quality requirement for sourcing
     Analyse the business requirement for sourcing
• 评估环境因素对采购活动的影响
     Evaluate the impact of environmental factors on sourcing activity
• 根据环境因素制定相对应的行动计划
     Formulate action plans to respond to environmental factors
• 准备采购计划
     Prepare sourcing plans
• 识别并且评估采购选项
      Identify and evaluate sourcing options
• 估定而且选择新的供应者
      Assess and select new suppliers
• 估定并且改善供应者表现
     Assess and improve supplier performance
• 建立供应者协议
     Establish supplier agreements
• 选择并贯彻执行供给管理系统
      Select and implement supply management systems
• 创造并且控制供应者的协同合作关系
     Create and manage collaborative supplier relationships
     Construct and manage supply control system
• 准备包括融资选项的采购资源计划
      Prepare resource plans for sourcing including financing options
• 识别使供应链活动之间相互协调的机会
      Identify trade-off opportunities with other supply chain activities
• 发展用来评估成本和额外价值的采购计划和建议
      Develop sourcing plans and proposals evaluating costs and added value
• 对为反向物流管理计划和程序的发展做出贡献
      Develop plans and procedures for reverse logistics
• 管理采购操作并遵从立法的和社会的职责
      Manage the sourcing operations to comply with legislative and social responsibilities
• 挑选,贯彻执行并维持IT来支援采购的活动
      Select, implement and sustain IT support for sourcing activity
• 建立,维持并且改良采购执行管理系统
      Establish, maintain and improve sourcing performance management system
• 发展采购步骤和程序
     Develop sourcing processes and procedures
    Identify and select sourcing and procurement service providers


• 识别使用(e-business)电子商务/ (IT)信息技术整合所带来改善供应链流程的机会
     Identify opportunities to use e-business/IT integration to improve supply chain flows
     Identify opportunities to use ERP systems to improve supply chain flows
• 识别使用新发展的机会所带来改善供应链流程的机会
     Identify opportunities to use new developments to improve supply chain flows  
     Identify opportunities to collaborate with suppliers to improve supply chain flows
     Identify opportunities to collaborate with customers to improve supply chain flows
• 把供应链网络模拟成一个整体的流程-定向的系统
     Model supply chain networks as a holistic, flow-oriented system
• 设计针对供应链中生产所使把供应链网络模拟成一个整体的流程-定向的系统
     Devise tactical plans* for the use of production in the supply chain
• 绘制与供应链活动相关联的步骤图
     Map the processes connected with supply chain activity
• 稽核供应链表现并且解释调查结果
     Audit supply chain and interpret the findings
• 对供应链目标的创造做出贡献
     Contribute to the creation of supply chain objectives
• 发展并且证明供应链步骤和程序
     Develop and document supply chain processes and procedures
• 建立,维持并且改良供应链表现管理系统
     Establish, maintain and improve supply chain performance management systems
• 应用适当的技术来计划和模拟供应链中的步骤
    Apply appropriate techniques to plan and model processes within the supply chain
• 应用适当的技术来计划和模拟在供应链中的库存定位
     Apply appropriate techniques to plan and model inventory positioning within the supply chain
• 为准备程序和方案提供技术上的和专业的建议, 实现供应链策略
     Provide technical and professional advice on preparing programmes and projects to implement supply chain strategy


• 分析运输资源的补给和需求
     Analyse the supply and demand of transport resources
    Analyse the performance and quality requirement for transport activity
• 评估环境因素对运输活动的影响
     Evaluate the impact of environmental factors on transport activity
• 根据环境因素制定相对应的行动计划
     Formulate action plans to respond to environmental factors
    Plan national and international movements
    Plan the coordination of multi-modal operations
• 准备包括融资选项的货物流通资源计划
     Prepare resource plans for the movement of goods including financing options
      Identify trade-off opportunities with other supply chain activities
• 发展用来评估成本和额外价值的运输计划和建议
      Develop transport plans and proposals evaluating costs and added value
• 对为反向物流管理计划和程序的发展做出贡献
      Develop plans and procedures for reverse logistics
     Manage the transport operations to comply with legislative and social responsibilities
     Select, implement and sustain IT support for transport activities
• 建立,维持并且改良运输表现管理系统
     Establish, maintain and improve transport performance management system
• 发展运输步骤和程序
     Develop transport processes and procedures
• 挑选运输设备
     Select transport equipment
• 识别并且选取运输服务的供给者
     Identify and select transport service providers


     Analyse warehouse stock list and throughput profile
• 分析仓库活动的质量与绩效要求
     Analyse the performance and quality requirement for warehouse activity
• 为储入仓储活动分析商业需求
     Analyse the business requirement for warehousing activity
• 评估环境因素对仓储活动的影响
     Evaluate the impact of environmental factors on warehouse activity
• 根据环境因素制定相对应的行动计划
     Formulate action plans to respond to environmental factors
• 决定空间需求
     Determine space requirements
• 选择仓库工作方法
     Select warehouse work methods
     Select warehouse equipment
    Select warehouse packing equipment and materials
• 设计仓库布局
     Plan warehouse layouts
• 准备包括融资选项的仓储资源计划
     Prepare resource plans for the warehousing including financing options
• 识别使供应链活动之间相互协调的机会
     Identify trade-off opportunities with other supply chain activities
     Develop warehouse plans and proposals evaluating costs and added value
      Develop plans and procedures for reverse logistics
     Manage the warehouse operations to comply with legislative and social responsibilities
• 挑选,贯彻执行并维持IT来支援仓储的活动
     Select, implement and sustain IT support for warehouse activities
     Establish, maintain and improve warehouse performance management system
     Develop warehouse processes and procedures 
• 识别并且选取仓储服务的供给者
     Identify and select warehouse service providers


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