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课程类别: bec(商务英语)
授课机构: 上海eet英语培训
课    时:
学    费: 价格电询
课程人气: 已有4人浏览
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What is Business English?

        As the global economy grows, companies from different countries increasingly have to work, trade and communication with each other. English is often the language used for this communication, not just between native speakers of English but business people who do not speak each other's language, but speak English as a foreign language.
Business English Therefore helps business people worldwide to be able to trade and work together. Business English includes:

  • the vocabulary which business people use
  • the particular language skills which they require in order to do business in English
  • grammar
  • the ability to read about and discuss topics of general interest to business people

Business Vocabulary
        Business English vocabulary is the words and phrases which allow business people to communicate about general business matters. Within Business English, it is possible to specialize much further, for example English for Banking, English for Marketing or English for Finance. Business English is less specialized than this and tries to cover the main general needs of business, rather than very technical specializations.

Language skills useful for business
        These include being able to:

  • Listen and speak during normal business activities such as interviews, meeting, telephone conversations or negotiations
  • Read business letters, emails, reports, articles, information on the internet, etc.
  • Write for business purposes (examples of business writing are reports, letters. Emails and proposals).

        Correct grammatical expression is becoming more and more important for successful business communication in English. The quality of a company's and a business person's communications is increasingly seen as a reflection of the quality of the company, its products or services and the work of its employees.

Business topics
        Business people are generally interested in business-related topics, and Business English allows them to read about and discuss these topics in English. The can read what is being written in the business sections of newspapers; they can read and discuss the latest ideas coming from international business schools. This allows them to keep up to date with the latest trends, business techniques, innovations and developments in the business world.

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