功能性商务英语『Functioning in Business』 | ||||||||||||||||||||
以各项具体的商务功能为引导,以真实的商务场景来强化商务旅行、商务约会、确认计划、否决艺术、推荐产品、发展客户、商务午餐、商务谈判等活动中语言的功能和技巧。适合具有一定英语能力并从事国际商务工作的人士。特色的练习保证了学习者商务英语的正确表达及流利程度以及在不同的场合选择合适用语的能力。 『Functioning in Business』 The language of the course is presented in the context of an executive’s business trip to the In addition to listening and speaking skills, Functioning in Business focuses on general business vocabulary and important language functions, such as requesting, refusing, suggesting, confirming, and clarification. Ideally, these points can be developed further in classroom activities or in other teacher-supported interactions that support the course. A comprehensive Teacher's Guide is available, with classroom suggestions and handouts. Content Summary