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上海韩语学习|Korean Learning, Choosing 【韩佳岚韩语培训】
If you want to learning Korean in Shanghai, I can choose HanJiaLan Korean School.
The purpose of HanJiaLan Korean School:
Anything gives priority to students. Forge ahead. Offer scientific advanced the model of instruction and easeful the condition of teaching. Pass practical Korean on to students. You need not go to Korea to study abroad. In China you can also study the authentic Korean, experience the rich Korean culture. Let every student can smoothly communicate with Korean friends, accomplish a task wish ease.
① 专业的韩语培训中心——全部由韩籍讲师以科学先进的教学模式授课。
② 师资力量——由优秀、年轻的韩籍讲师为学员量身定制课程。请点击了解韩佳岚讲师
③ 多样化的免费公开课——每周三开设新鲜独特的免费公开课(韩国时尚、料理、电影、歌曲等)。无论你是谁,只要提前预约,就能参加我们的免费公开课。
④ 免费试听课——可预约试听我们任何的课程。
⑤ 通用实效的教材——引进韩国教材,以实用会话为主的主教材和独特诙谐的副教材相结合。
⑥ 丰富多彩的娱乐活动——通过韩剧、流行歌曲、料理、时尚等进一步了解韩国文化!
⑦ 各式各样的自由化课程——全日制班、平晚班、周末班、一对一课程、特色课程(面对面口语、商务韩语、翻译、导游)。
⑧ 学习空间——韩国风格的时尚装修、优雅的教学环境,舒适的自修室和休息室。
The characteristics of HanJiaLan Korean School
1 The professional Korean training center
2 Lots of excellent youthful teachers
3 Many kinds of free open class
4 Freely attend a lecture
5 General the actual effect of teaching material
6 Full of variety recreations
7 Varied liberalization courses
8 easeful the condition of teaching