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授课机构: 上海财经大学财务管理培训
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学    费: 价格电询
上课地点: 上海中山北一路369号
课程人气: 已有8人浏览
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What management and leadership skills do the most successful Senior Executives possess? What are the qualities and characteristics of the ideal finance leader? Recently, CFO Research Services, in collaboration with Tatum, surveyed 250 senior finance executives at North American companies on the non-technical business management and leadership skills that finance executives not only under pressure to manage financial compliance, processes, and controls in an environment of intense regulatory scrutiny, but also need to meet the demands of an expanded business mandate.
Indisputably, broad management training will help senior executives manage and support the business, however they also seek training on industry and competitive dynamics, business management, and the skills often labeled as ‘soft skills’-collaboration, negotiation, and communication.
This training will offer practical guidance to Senior Executives on how to consolidate and promote their financial leadership by adopting the advanced leadership outcome model and the applicable financial signatures, as well as explore on how performance management and decision making are being embraced throughout companies and in diverse business categories. Through presentations from leading thought leader and cutting-edge case studies, this training will highlight the extensive reach of the achievement of enterprise’s valuation goals.

The Leadership Outcome Model
Identifying and Measuring Financial Style and Personality
The components of Financial Style and Personality
Work group 1: Buying Mission Exercise
Financial Signatures and Missions
The Nine Financial Signatures
How Financial Signature is impacted by Corporate Strategy
Work group 2: Team Financial Style Simulation
Are there Good and Bad Financial Signatures?
Financial Signature and Executive Performance
Strategy and Innovation
Customer Service
Valuation and Financial Mission
Defining the Financial Mission of an Executive
Why Financial Signature and Mission Differ
The Components of Financial Mission
Alignment of Financial Mission with Team, Business Unit and Company Financial Missions
Work group 3: Company Financial Style and Valuation Simulation

Maximizing Your Financial Performance
Turing Analytics into Action
Four Dimensions of Decision Making and Execution
Five – Step Process for improving decision effectiveness
Financial Mission and Business Strategy
Work group 4: Valuation Impact of the CEO Exercise
Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Impacts of Financial Signature
Company Evolution
Capital Intensity
Market Evolution
Competitive Dynamics
Market Capitalization and Valuation
Work group 5: Competitive Simulation
Improving Leadership Outcome

Leadership Outcome Type and Financial Mission
Financial Mission and Career Success
Financial Mission and Leadership Agility
Changing Financial Mission
Work group 6: Leadership Outcome Simulation
Case Study – Financial Mission and Outcome
Work group 7: Coaching Simulation
Conclusions in Financial Leadership
A Revolutionary new approach to Executive assessment with a full suite of evaluation instruments
Increasing the valuation of the enterprise by choosing the right alignment process to best achieve the enterprise’s valuation goals
Enabling your top executives to understand the potential of their own financial profile to improve the enterprise’ profitability and valuation and align their operational mission to the enterprise valuation goals.
Understanding how to identify, select, and retain executives with a winning financial signature
Strengthening enterprise Human Resource processes by implementing the correct HR processes for achieving the targeted level of profitability
Turning analytics into action for gaining the ability to change course in volatile circumstances as well as a true competitive advantage
Taking a methodical approach to improving decision making to boost revenue, shareholder return, and return on invested capital
C-level including CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Learning Officer
Line executives and managers including Vice-Presidents, P&L managers, General Managers
Training and development executives, including leadership development managers
Human resource executives including HR heads, recruitment, succession planning executives
Certification of Completion of Training Course: Finance in Leadership by Shanghai University of Finance & Economics to be issued.
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