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课程类别: 美国留学
授课机构: 波士顿国际教育
课    时:
学    费: 价格电询
上课地点: 上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路789号均瑶国际广场10楼E1座
课程人气: 已有72人浏览
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地理位置  美洲/美国/纽约州/纽约市
办学性质  私立
综合排名  8
官方网址  http://www.columbia.edu


The University and The School
The School of General Studies (GS) of Columbia University is one of the finest liberal arts colleges in the country dedicated specifically to students with nontraditional backgrounds seeking a traditional education at an Ivy League university. Most students at GS have, for personal or professional reasons, interrupted their education, never attended college, or are only able to attend part-time. GS is unique among colleges of its type, because its students are fully integrated into the Columbia undergraduate curriculum: they take the same courses with the same faculty members and earn the same degree as all other Columbia undergraduates.
GS students come from varied backgrounds and all walks of life. They have the option to study either full- or part-time. Many students work full-time while pursuing a degree, and many have family responsibilities; others attend classes full-time and experience Columbia’s more traditional college life. In the classroom, the diversity and varied personal experience of the student body promote discussion and debate, fostering an environment of academic rigor and intellectual development. GS has approximately 1,200 undergraduate degree candidates and more than 400 postbaccalaureate premedical students. The average age of a GS student is 29. More than 60 percent of GS students attend classes full-time.
In addition to its bachelor’s degree program, GS offers combined undergraduate/graduate degree programs with Columbia’s Schools of Social Work, International and Public Affairs, Law, Business, Dental Medicine, Teachers College, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Between 80 and 85 percent of the School’s students continue on to graduate and professional study after graduation. In the past, the acceptance rate for GS postbaccalaureate premedical program students applying to U.S. medical schools is up to and above 90 percent.
Columbia University is located in Morningside Heights, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The University’s neighbors include the union   Theological Seminary, the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Manhattan School of Music, St. Luke’s Hospital, Riverside Church, and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. The diversity of intellectual and social activities offered by these institutions is one of Columbia’s great assets as a university; another is New York City itself, which offers Columbia students a rich and almost boundless variety of social, cultural, and recreational opportunities that are themselves an education.
For the 2008–09 academic year, tuition is $1210 per credit, monthly living expenses (including rent) were about $1600, fees were approximately $1400, and books were $1000 to $1300.
Financial Aid
The School of General Studies awards financial aid based upon need and academic ability. Approximately 70 percent of GS degree candidates receive some form of financial aid, including Federal Pell Grants, New York State TAP Grants, Federal Stafford and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, General Studies Scholarships, and Federal Work-Study Program awards. Priority application deadlines for new students are June 1 for the fall semester and October 15 for the spring semester.
The faculty of the School of General Studies, which is shared with Columbia College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the School of International and Public Affairs, includes distinguished scholars in virtually every discipline. Of the School’s more than 1,000 faculty members, over 99 percent hold a Ph.D. Students, whether full-time or part-time, have many opportunities to work closely with faculty members, both in small classes and in research projects. Faculty members also serve as advisers to students majoring in their area of study and maintain regular office hours to see students.
Student Government
One student of the School represents GS students in the University Senate, a decision-making body comprising students, faculty members, and administrative staff members from each division of the University. In addition, 2 GS students sit as voting members on the Committee on Instruction, which oversees the curriculum of the School. The General Studies Student Council elects officers each year and sponsors activities for students. The Observer, the School’s student-run magazine, is published several times each year. The Premedical Association (PMA) sponsors events related to the medical school admissions process.
Admission Requirements
The GS admission policy is geared to the maturity and varied backgrounds of its students. Aptitude and motivation are considered along with past academic performance, standardized test scores, and employment history. The School’s admission decisions are based on a careful review of each application and reflect the Admissions Committee’s considered judgment of the applicant’s maturity, academic potential, and present ability to undertake course work at Columbia.
Admission requirements include a completed application form; a 1,500- to 2,000-word autobiographical statement describing the applicant’s past educational history and work experience, present situation, and future plans; two letters of recommendation from academic or professional evaluators; an official high school transcript; official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended; official SAT or ACT scores (applicants may take the General Studies Admissions Examination); and a nonrefundable application fee of $65.
Students from outside the United States may apply to the School of General Studies to start or complete a baccalaureate degree. In addition to the materials described above, international applicants must submit official TOEFL scores.
Application and Information
Application deadlines are March 1 for early action (nonbinding), June 1 for the fall semester, and October 15 for the spring semester. Applicants from countries outside the U.S. are urged to apply by August 15 for the spring semester and April 1 for the fall semester. Applications are reviewed as they are completed, and applicants are notified of decisions shortly thereafter.
For more information, students should contact:

Curtis M. Rodgers, Dean of Enrollment Management
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
School of General Studies
408 Lewisohn Hall
2970 Broadway
Columbia University, Mail Code 4101
New York, New York 10027, United States


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