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课程类别: 美国留学
授课机构: 波士顿国际教育
课    时:
学    费: 价格电询
上课地点: 上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路789号均瑶国际广场10楼E1座
课程人气: 已有62人浏览
班级名称 开班日期 上课时段 学费原价 优惠价 报名
循环开班 循环开班 白班 价格电询 价格电询
地理位置  美洲/美国/宾夕法尼亚州/费城市
办学性质  私立
综合排名  6



Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--A Distinct Flavor

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is rich in history and is teeming with people, action, and recreation. Most famously home to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, "The City of Brotherly Love," is full of history and culture. Residents and visitors alike can explore the Philadelphia Art Museum, which is the host to works by Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Possibly even more well-known than these acclaimed artists' works are the steps in front of the museum, which were made legendary by actor Sylvester Stallone in the film "Rocky."

Students of the University of Pennsylvania know that the city is one of a kind for its distinctive snacks and sandwich foods. One of its most famous foods, the cheese steak, was created in Philadelphia around 1930, and is still one of the city's most quintessential foods. Students can be found enjoying one of Philly's world-famous sandwiches at Geno's Steaks or Pat's Steaks -- two restaurants located across from each other on the corner of Passyunk and Ninth Streets in the south section of town. Besides the cheese steak, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is also recognized as the birthplace of the hoagie and is considered the formal American residence of the delicious soft pretzel.

Hot summers and blustery winters give students of the University of Pennsylvania a taste of all seasons. And, while the city is rich in history and beautiful old architecture, it also includes highly modern amenities and a metropolitan character. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania offers its residents an array of economic, industrial, technological, financial, and recreational opportunities, yet its historic design and distinctive flavor keep it charming and unique among big cities in the U.S.
World-Class Academics and Vibrant Student Life at Penn
This Ivy League school offers its students a top-of-the-line education, world-class amenities, and access to a dynamic city all on one breathtaking campus. Its highly discerning admissions coupled with an innovative interdisciplinary scholarship make it one of the world's best research-based institutions.

Cost and Financial Aid
Costs (2008-09)
Comprehensive Costs: $48,147 includes full-time tuition ($33,608), mandatory fees ($3918), and room and board ($10,621). Part-time tuition: $4292 per course. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load
Required fees:
$459 per course part-time
Room and board:
College room only: $6640. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility
Payment plans:
Tuition prepayment, installment
Waivers: Employees or children of employees
Financial Aid
Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2007, 4,603 applied for aid, 3,923 were judged to have need, 3,923 had their need fully met. 2,855 Federal Work-Study jobs (averaging $2884). 480 state and other part-time jobs (averaging $2905)
Average percent of need met: 100%
Average financial aid package: $31,508
Average need-based loan: $2879
Average need-based gift aid: $27,111
Average indebtedness upon graduation: $19,085
 Contact Info
Eric J. Furda, Dean of Admissions
University of Pennsylvania
1 College Hall, Levy Park
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215-898-7507
Non US Students
Financial Aid
Need-based financial aid available. For fall 2007, 276 international students on campus received college administered financial aid ($37,637 average).

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