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课程类别: IT认证
授课机构: 上海it认证培训学校
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Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2003&2007&2010
Course Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2003&2007&2010
 · Configure and prepare servers for basic² troubleshooting.
 · Analyze process and data flow in a flowchart.²
 ·² Access and apply information from a service request and other workshop components.
 · Identify a problem and recommend a² solution.
Unit 2: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity
 · Identify the underlying causes when mail from one² server is not received by recipients on another and resolve the problem.
 ·² Identify the underlying causes when a user cannot connect to an Exchange server as a remote user and resolve the problem.
 · Identify the underlying causes² when no one in an organization can receive Internet e-mail and resolve the problem.
Unit 3: Troubleshooting Public Folders and Mailboxes
 Identify the underlying causes a user cannot receive² Internet e-mail to his e-mail address and resolve the problem.
 Identify the² underlying causes when a user cannot send or receive Internet e-mail and resolve problem.
 Identify the underlying causes when a user is unable to post a² message to a public folder and resolve problem.
Unit 4: Troubleshooting Outlook Web Access and Outlook Mobile Access
 ·² Identify the underlying causes when a user cannot access OWA because of a security error.
· Identify the underlying causes when a user cannot access² OWA because of an authentication error and resolve the problem.
 · Identify² the underlying causes when a user cannot access OMA and resolve the problem.
Unit 5: Troubleshooting Client Connectivity
 Identify the underlying causes when a user is unable² to send e-mail to the Internet from home using Outlook Express and resolve the problem.
 Identify the underlying causes when a user receives a "The² connection to the server has failed" message and resolve the problem.
² Identify the underlying causes when a new user receives an error message when trying to connect to her mailbox and resolve problem.
Unit 6: Troubleshooting Server Connectivity
 · Troubleshoot message² delivery between servers in the same routing group.
· Troubleshoot message² delivery between servers in different routing groups.
· Troubleshoot message² delivery between a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003&2010 organization and another e-mail system.
 · Troubleshoot message delivery between an Exchange² Server 2003&2007&2010 organization and the Internet.
Unit 7: Troubleshooting Server Performance
· Identify and resolve messaging problems related to² performance problems in domain controllers and global catalog servers.
·² Identify and resolve messaging performance problems caused by the running of scheduled applications.
 · Troubleshoot messaging problems caused by² hardware components in server systems.
Unit 8: Troubleshooting Security Issues
· Implement a Public Key² Infrastructure (PKI) to manage the creation and distribution of digital certificates.
· Implement Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions² (S/MIME) to encrypt or digitally sign e-mail messages sent from client to client. The encryption and digital signatures ensure that a message is secure and cannot be modified while it is transmitted on the network.
· Implement² Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt network traffic. With SSL, the actual network traffic that transmits e-mail messages is encrypted, so that even if the network packets were captured, they could not be read.
Unit 9: Troubleshooting the Migration to Exchange 2003&2007&2010
 · Identify the underlying causes when a² user cannot access their mailbox after a migration and resolve the problem.
· Identify the underlying causes when a user cannot send e-mail to² the Exchange 5.5 organization during a migration and resolve the problem.
 ·² Identify the underlying causes when a user cannot send e-mail to some users during a migration and resolve the problem.
Unit 10: Troubleshooting an Exchange Server 2003&2007&2010 Organization
 · Identify multiple issues affecting the messaging² functionality within an organization.
 · Troubleshoot the following:•² Network connectivity
 · Public folders and mailboxes²
 · Microsoft² Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Outlook Mobile Access (OMA)
 · Client² connectivity
 · Server connectivity²
 · Server performance²
 ·² Security issues


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