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授课机构: 上海财经大学财务管理培训
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上课地点: 上海中山北一路369号
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If the world’s capital markets could use a harmonized accounting framework, it will have to wait as there is much to do before this becomes reality. Under the circumstance of economic globalization and international accounting harmonization, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), has being accepted rapidly worldwide, and nearly 40% of the Fortune 500 has already adopted IFRSs. On 15th Feb. 2006, China’s Ministry of Finance announced new China’s General Accepted Accounting Principles (PRC GAAP), while Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is also going for the application of IFRS in U.S. multinationals before 2011. Moreover, IASB plans extensive modification on IFRS in recent time, especially will focus on financial instruments accounting standards.
Accounting development in China mirrors changes in its environment, specifically, the historical environment, and has also affected its accounting standard setting in aspects of China’s economic, political, and social evolution. The new accounting system is largely based upon International Accounting Standards and the accounting system has experienced great changes as this has been implemented.
This training aims to present a general overview of PRC GAAP, U.S. GAAP, and IFRS, and analyze the differences among the three via using the intensive study and rich experience refined from the training on thousands of large enterprises. Helping you feel the pulse of the financial markets, and always be in the forefront of the times.

The Nature of PRC GAAP’s Modification
Regulation orientation transfers to principle orientation
Transition from historical cost measurement mode to fair value model
PRC GAAP system
The Introduction of IFRS
The establishment and development of IASB
The content and features of IFRS
Global application of IFRS
The specific 37 items of IFRS
The latest trends of IFRS
Overview of US GAAP
The components of US GAAP
Effect levels of US GAAP
The growing tendency of US GAAP
Major Differences of the THREE
Accounting year and statements disclosure deadline
Account book and accounting record
Base currency

Comparison of Major Standards
Inventory Standard
Investment Real Estate
Fixed Assets
Intangible Assets
Exchange of Non-monetary Assets
Impairment of Assets
Employee Compensation
Borrowing Costs
Income Tax
Foreign Currency Translation
Investment, Amalgamation, Consolidated Financial Statements
Cash Flow Statement
Related Party Disclosure
The Convergence of the THREE
Case Study
Helping enterprises standardize the Financial Statements preparation of different countries
Knowing the latest trends of accounting principles and its significance and impact
Further understanding the similarities and differences of the three accounting systems and their application in reality
Perfect combination of theory and cases, helping see through the surfaces
Understanding the diversity of major standards and their handlings
Grasping the transition among the three accounting systems
President, General Manager, Senior Managers and Executives
Financial Director, Investment Director, Audit Director
Financial Managers, Accounting Managers, Tax Managers, Audit Managers
Staff from Finance, Internal Control, Investment and Audit Departments
Specialists from Accounting Firms and Financial Institutions
Certification of Completion of Training Course: Best Practices in Internal Auditing by Shanghai University of Finance & Economics to be issued.
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