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您所在的位置:上海前程网 -> 管理商学 -> 企业公开课 -> 采购管理 -> SCM Resource Planning 供应链管理资源计划

课程类别: 采购管理
授课机构: 上海合联企业管理咨询有限公司
课    时: 16小时
学    费: 4800元
上课地点: 龙东大道1号
课程人气: 已有15人浏览
班级名称 开班日期 上课时段 学费原价 优惠价 报名
循环开班 循环开班 白班 ¥4800 ¥4800
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4 days

Module 1
Basics of Supply Chain Management
Explore the basic concepts in managing the flow of materials in a supply chain. In the Basics, you get a complete overview of material flow, from internal and external suppliers to and from your organization. Topics include:
Elements of the Supply Chain
Just-in-Time (JIT)
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II)
Demand Planning
Capacity Management.
Module 2
Master Planning of Resources
Explore the processes used to develop sales and operations plans and identify and assess internal and external demand and forecasting requirements. The course focuses on the importance of producing achievable master schedules that are consistent with business policies, objectives, and resource constraints. Topics include:
Demand Management
Sales and Operations Planning
Master Scheduling
Measuring Business Performance.
Module 3
Detailed Scheduling and Planning
Focus on the various techniques for material and capacity scheduling. Study detailed descriptions of material requirements planning (MRP), capacity requirements planning (CRP), inventory management practices, and procurement and supplier planning. Topics include:
Recognizing Techniques and Practices of Inventory Management
Mechanics of the Detailed Material Planning Process
Planning Operations to Support the Priority Plan
Planning Procurement and External Sources of Supply.
Module 4
Execution and Control of Operations
Focus on the areas of prioritizing and sequencing work, executing work plans and implementing controls, reporting activity results, and providing feedback on performance. The course explains techniques for scheduling and controlling production processes, the execution of quality initiatives and continuous improvement plans, and the control and handling of inventories. Topics include:
Prioritizing and Sequencing Work
Executing Plans and Implementing Controls
Authorizing and Reporting Activities for Push and Pull Systems
Evaluating Performance and Providing Feedback.
Module 5
Strategic Management of Resources
Explore the relationship of existing and emerging processes and technologies to manufacturing strategy and supply chain-related functions. The course addresses three main topics: aligning resources with the strategic plan, configuring and integrating operating processes to support the strategic plan, and implementing change. Topics include:
Competitive Market Issues Choices Affecting Facilities, Supply Chain, Information Technology, and Organizational Design
Configuring and Integrating Internal Processes
Evaluating and Managing Projects.

Mr. Kelley has over 30 years of key leadership roles with multi-national companies. His
responsibilities covered Sourcing, Purchasing, Supply Chain, Operations, Materials,
Finance, Customer Service, Strategic Planning, Logistics, Quality Assurance and
Information Systems. International business experience spans nine countries in the Far
East, five countries in Europe, as well as Mexico and Canada.
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